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Conduct, Purdue, Conference, OSRR

Purdue Disciplinary Conduct Conferences

If you are arrested while enrolled at Purdue, you will face either a conduct conference or a Community Standards Board (CSB) panel hearing, depending on the nature of the charges. When the Purdue Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) assigns you a conduct conference, it means that the allegations are not severe enough to warrant suspension or expulsion. However, the conduct conference is still a serious matter that can lead to other consequences, so it's important to prepare accordingly.

About Conduct Conferences

Conduct conferences are hearings conducted one-on-one with a member of the OSRR. The purpose of the conduct conference is to determine the consequences of an arrest for a Purdue student whose actions weren't bad enough to trigger a CSB panel hearing. Examples of offenses that can lead to a conduct conference include operating while intoxicated, public intoxication, possession of marijuana and consumption of alcohol under the age of 21.

How it Works

If you are arrested and the OSRR schedules a conduct conference, you will receive a letter from the Office of the Dean of Students that tells you when the conference will be held. The letter will also describe the violations that led to the conference. If a conference is scheduled, you must attend.

During the conference, you will meet with an OSSR Conduct Officer who will ask you to complete a form that states whether or not you will accept responsibility for your actions. This is similar to pleading "guilty" or "not guilty" in court. After you complete the form, the officer will ask you questions about the incident and will ultimately decide whether or not you will be held responsible for what happened. If you are found responsible for the violation, you will be placed on disciplinary probation or probated suspension. You may also receive secondary sanctions, such as:

Your Rights

During the conference, you have the right to remain silent if you wish. However, you may also address the charges laid against you if you want to. You also have the right to bring an advisor with you, such as a criminal defense attorney.

Bringing a Lawyer

Conduct conferences usually take place while criminal charges are still pending. Since making statements during the conference could jeopardize the outcome of the criminal case, it's wise to have an experienced Lafayette criminal defense lawyer present. Only an experienced Lafayette criminal attorney can determine whether it is better to make statements during the conference or remain silent. Furthermore, the OSSR may even assign services or consequences that are the same as those imposed by the criminal court. An experienced attorney will be familiar with typical court requirements for your offense, so he or she can help the student obtain a resolution that doesn't include duplicate punishments. If you face discipline at Purdue resulting from a criminal arrest, contact Gibson Law Office. Our attorneys have significant experience representing Purdue students in OSRR conduct conferences and CSB panel hearings.