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Drugs, Arrest, Purdue, Student, Alcohol

Boiler Gold Rush: Alcohol and Drug Arrests

If you are an incoming freshman to Purdue University, welcome to West Lafayette, Indiana. Freshmen year is an exciting time for students and parents. You are now part of a school filled with opportunity and one that is rich in tradition. One of those traditions is Boiler Gold Rush.

What is Boiler Gold Rush?

Boiler Gold Rush is an orientation period that takes place the week prior to classes starting at Purdue. This year BGR will be held August 11th through the 18th. BGR brings incoming students together with peer mentors to introduce them to the University. This year's BGR activities and events include campus tours, social events, a resource fair, speakers, a community business fair, and the ability to start building relationships and networking. It is a very helpful experience for new students, and sharing in the experience of older student volunteers can be very informative. Boiler Gold Rush can also lead to some problems.

Boiler Gold Rush and Alcohol and Drug Arrests

During BGR, there are often parties where alcohol and drugs may be present. Last year, Indiana Excise Police launched the Intensified College Enforcement initiative. This initiative targeted unsuspecting students, such as those at BGR, for a series of offenses. These include public intoxication, underage drinking, minor in possession of alcohol, possession of marijuana, use of fake ID's, DUI and furnishing alcohol to minors. In the past, I have represented students who were arrested within hours of their parents dropping them off. The ramifications of an arrest of a student can be very serious. Not knowing this, many students may try to handle the situation themselves and try to keep it from their parents. This is a mistake.

Consequences of an Arrest?

An arrest for alcohol or drug offenses may carry a mandatory or discretionary driver's license suspension. It could result in a criminal record that could cost the student a future job. In addition, Purdue’s Office of Students Rights and Responsibility initiates a university disciplinary action each time a student is arrested.

Criminal arrests can adversely affect future career options for students. Students majoring in engineering and needing government clearance for future work can find it difficult. Those considering education, or careers in medicine or business, may also face future stumbling blocks.

What should be done in Case of a Student Arrest?

Students should contact an experienced criminal attorney. While no parent is happy to learn of a criminal arrest, the vast majority of parents are supportive. They want to see the problem handled properly to minimize any long-term consequences.

I am a Lafayette criminal defense lawyer. I have represented a large volume of Purdue students in alcohol and drug related offenses. Going it alone may be the most expensive lesson you'll learn in your college career. Enjoy Boiler Gold Rush, but if a problem occurs, contact Gibson Law Office immediately. Experienced legal representation can make a big difference in protecting your future.