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Attorney, Arrest, Purdue, Student

How Can an Arrest During Grand Prix Affect Academic Status at Purdue?

Grand Prix weekend is here and with it comes the excitement of special events on campus. Known as a party weekend, Grand Prix inevitably results in a large number of Purdue students coming into contact with local law enforcement and Indiana Excise Police. Arrests for minor in possession of alcohol, public intoxication, operating while intoxicated, and possession of marijuana historically peak during Grand Prix weekend as excise police seek high volume arrests. While criminal charges can carry serious consequences, a disciplinary action initiated by Purdue also has the potential to harm a student’s immediate and long-term future.

Criminal Charges at Purdue Result in University Disciplinary Actions

Purdue students should not overlook the potential consequences of an arrest on their status as a student with the university. Every year, dozens of Purdue students see their academic careers end because of mistakes that resulted in criminal arrests. In fact, in some cases, the consequences to a student’s academic future may be harsher than the sanctions that result in court.

The Purdue Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) screens the weekly police blotter for Purdue students. When Purdue Police make an arrest, they often gratuitously send a copy of their report to the OSRR, which results in student discipline. When a Purdue student is arrested, it is important to contact an attorney who is familiar with the university disciplinary policies and procedures. The criminal defense attorneys at Gibson Law Office have extensive experience representing Purdue students; and they understand how to best protect a student’s rights in a criminal case while maneuvering Purdue’s disciplinary process.

Lafayette Defense Attorneys: Representing Purdue Students in Disciplinary Actions

The disciplinary process at Purdue can be very stressful for a student, especially following Grand Prix and leading up to final exams. Disciplinary hearings at Purdue can also jeopardize a student’s criminal case. While federal law prohibits Purdue from voluntarily sharing what happens in a disciplinary action, the prosecutor’s office can subpoena records of the proceedings. This includes audio recordings of disciplinary panel hearings. Gibson Law Office has a team of Lafayette criminal attorneys who have represented hundreds of Purdue students. We understand the interplay between criminal cases and Purdue administrative hearings. It is important for students to understand that anything they say in a Purdue disciplinary hearing could be used against them in a criminal case. 

What Should a Purdue Student Who Has Been Arrested Over Grand Prix Weekend Do?

Purdue students who are arrested during Grand Prix weekend may face an initial court hearing, a Purdue disciplinary hearing, and numerous final exams – all within a week’s time. The stress of the situation can easily lead young people to make costly and irreversible mistakes. Students and their families need to protect their investment in higher education by hiring an attorney with the experience to achieve the best possible result in both the criminal and Purdue proceedings. Call Gibson Law Office at 765-742-8440 to speak for free with an experienced Lafayette criminal defense attorney about your case.